UCE Organizing Team news and opportunities – CRS, Prison Ministry, UUANI, Green Team

Here are some news and events to know about.  For more information on any of these please contact Dale Griffin or other participants.

CRS (Community Renewal Society) – We are looking into local efforts supporting affordable housing with other north suburban CRS congregations.

The UU Prison Ministry of Illinois will hold part two of “Radical Hospitality” at UCE, September 9 from 9am to 1pm, on welcoming returning citizens at church and partnering with them to transition into life outside of prison. We are setting up support circles and other re-entry support for returning citizens. To be involved with this project please contact Dale Griffin.

UUANI (UU Advocacy Network of Illinois) continues to advocate  the areas of race, income inequality, and climate change. Contact Scott Aaseng or uu-advocacy-illinois.org to receive weekly emails that make it easy to join other UUANI supporters on timely advocacy on racial, economic and environmental justice, and more!  Over 50 members of UCE have participated.

The Green Team and Organizing Team invite you to a presentation Sunday, October 22 at 12:30pm on legislation to preserve beautiful red rock wilderness in Utah, championed by our own Sen. Durbin. Please RSVP to Heather Brown or Dale Griffin.


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