Member Class Resources2023-11-26T22:14:47+00:00

Member Class Resources

What do we believe?

Click the buttons on the right to learn more about the Unitarian Church of Evanston, what we believe, and what’s important to us. Most of this information can be found under the About tab at the top of the website.

Leadership and Groups

Here you will find information about groups at the church, as well as a bit about the church leadership.

Responsibilities and Rewards of Membership

The rewards of membership at the Unitarian Church of Evanston are many and varied. The joy of fellowship, the spiritual renewal of worship and music, encouragement in the face of a difficult problem, opportunities for personal spiritual growth, hope for a better world, a stronger voice, the pleasure of knowing and being known by others who are seeking meaning and purpose in their lives.  These are some of the blessings you can expect to receive as a member of our community.

You are also eligible to vote at congregational meetings, serve on boards and committees, and participate in covenant groups as a member of the church.

Perhaps the greatest reward of membership is the knowledge that you are supporting a community and a movement that is well-worth supporting.

It is the responsibility of members to be engaged in the community. In addition to showing up regularly, members are expected to give their time, talent, and treasure to the church as they are able. Click the buttons to the right to learn more about different ways to give, and about completing your financial pledge.

Reference Materials

Finally, here are some materials we use in the class, as well as the class forms and a reading list for later!

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